(Affiliated to Asia Baptist Women’s Union & Baptist World Alliance Women’s Department)

India is a land of diversities in all facts of life, caste, colour, creed, tradition, culture and languages. Out of the diversity resurrected unity when a group of prayerful dedicated, Godly women from some Regional Baptist Women Convention saw a vision for oneness among Baptist women of India.

In 1959, under the leadership of Miss. Mercy Jayaraja Rao, a group of Baptist women came together in Creg Memorial Baptist Church, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India and formed India Baptist Women’s Fellowship (later named as India Baptist Women’s Union). Today it is now a registered body.

India Baptist Women’s Union (IBWU) aims to promote spiritual fellowship and partnership among the Baptist women members, to strengthen their faith, nourish and to deepen the spiritual life of persons, family and church under the jurisdiction to promote the obligations of Christian stewardship among its members. IBWU is purely supported by prayers and contributions of affiliated Baptist women of India.

India Baptist Women’s Union conduct General Assembly once in five years. Observe IBWU Day of Prayer on 15th August and Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer on the 1st Monday of November every year. Seminars, workshops and Regional programmes are organized on relevant issues to empower women group. The Executive committee members represent different conventions, unions and councils.

 IBWU renders helping hands to the victims of natural calamities and suffering from Covid19 pandemic with essential commodities.

General Assembly -1

It was held at Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh from 12th to 16th February, 1960 with the theme, “Our Neighbour For Christ”. The aim of the conference was to develop a closer fellowship among the Baptist women of India, Burma, East Pakistan and Ceylon. 33 delegates from India, 3 from Ceylon and 2 from East Pakistan attended the Conference. It was decided in this meeting that the fellowship shall meet once in five years.

The following Office Bearers were elected:

Mrs. A. Goldsmith, India President
Mrs. R. Patnaik, India Vice President
Miss S. Sahu, India Secretary
Miss Edna D’silva, Ceylon  Treasurer


General Assembly – 2

 It was held at Balasore, Orissa from 31st Dec to 3rd Jan 1965 with the Theme, “Together Unto All The World”. 20 delegates from different parts of the country attended. Here, it was resolved to get affiliation to BWA Women’s Department.

The elected Office Bearers for the next term were:

Mrs. A Goldsmith, Assam   President
Mrs. Vakula Isaac Prabhakar, Andhra Pradesh Vice President
Miss S. Sahu, Orissa Secretary


General Assembly – 3

It was held at Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh from 28 to 31 December, 1969. About 55 delegates, including 2 from USA attended the conference. The Theme was “Together We Are Witnessing”.

The same Office Bearers were privileged to continue for the next term.


General Assembly – 4

It was held at Bangalore from 28th to 31 December, 1974 with a theme, “Reconciliation Through Christ”. Nearly 40 delegates attended the conference.

The elected Office Bearers were:

Mrs. Primrose Rang Rao Vasa President
Miss L. Bendangla Jamir Vice President
Miss Susan Mathews  Secretary
Miss N.M.S Gideon Treasurer


General Assembly – 5

It was held at Cuttack, Orissa from 29th to 31st December, 1979 with the Theme, “Christ Our Strength and Hope”. Nearly 140 delegates attended from different parts of the country.

The elected Office Bearers were:

Miss Ananda Bharathi  President
Mrs. D. Sarojini Prasad Rao Vice President
Mrs. T. Viveka Blessington Secretary
Mrs. Abeni Lotha Treasurer
Mrs. Deepthi Rani Executive Member


General Assembly – 6

The Sixth General Assembly and the Silver Jubilee celebration was held at United Theological College, Bangalore, Karnataka from 27th to 31st Dec 1984 with the Theme, “Living For Christ – Witnessing For Christ” basing on Acts 1:8. 300 delegated attended the Assembly. 

The elected Office Bearers were:

Mrs. Kamala Wesley President
Miss Suhar Bansaria Vice President
Mrs. Lalitha Krupa Rao Secretary
Mrs. Sarojini Prasad Rao Treasurer
Mrs. R.L. Hnuni Executive Member
Mrs. K. Jessie Srinivasa Rao Elected Member
Mrs. Prabhavathy Alexander Elected Member


General Assembly – 7

The Seventh General Assembly and 30th Anniversary (Pearl) celebration was held at Tirupay School, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh from 11th to 14th January, 1990 with the theme, “Called To Commitment and Growth” basing on Eph 4:16.

The elected Office Bearers were:

Miss S. Sahu President
Mrs. K. Jesse Srinivasa Rao Vice President
Mrs. S. Rosseena Benjamin Treasurer
Rev. Primrose Ranga Rao Vasa Executive Member
Rev. Dr. Krupa Rao
Mrs. A. Kamala Wesley


General Assembly – 8

It was held at Williamnagar, Garo Hills, Meghalaya from 12th to 15th May, 1994 with the theme, “Witnessing For Christ” basing on Acts. 1:8. About 300 delegates attended the Assembly.

The elected Office Bearers were:

Mrs. K. Jessie Srinivasa Rao President
Miss Narola Vice President
Miss Kamala Wesley Secretary
Mrs. Ethelwity Marak Treasurer
Miss Atola Subong Executive Member
Mrs. S. Rojina Benjamin
Mrs. K.V.Vasumathi
Mrs G. Indira Devi 
Miss S.K. Sahu Co-opted member (immediate past President)
Mrs. Lepmonie Sangma Co-opted member (ABWU Secretary)


General Assembly – 9

It was held at Andhra Baptist Church, Vishakhapatnam from 1st to 4th June, 1999. The Theme was “Celebrate the Love of Christ”.

The elected Office Bearers were:

Mrs. Lepmonie Sangma President
Mrs. Viveka Blessington Vice President
Miss Atola Subong  Secretary
Mrs. K. Jessie Srinivasa Rao Treasurer
Executive Committee Members:
Mrs. Lalduhawmi Sailo  
Mrs Sanjubala Das  
Mrs P.V Krupavathi Moses  
Mrs Mercy Mayuri Moses  
Mrs Selitha N Sangma  
Mrs Jayamani Jones  
Mrs Rosemary Bhuiah  
Dr Miss Kapfo  


General Assembly – 10

It was held at Chandana Mohan Hall, Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh from 5th to 8th January, 2005. The theme was, “Wash One Another’s Feet” John 13:14. The Officers of ABWU, Chiyo Murakami, President; Sonia Silbor, Secretary and Latika Paul, Treasurer attended the Assembly. 300 delegates attended. A special offering was collected to help the tsunami victims in Sri Lanka.

In view of hosting the Asia Baptist Women’s Union Assembly and Golden Jubilee celebration, the same Office Bearers were elected to the next term.

Mrs. Lepmonie Sangma President
Mrs. Viveka Blessington  Vice President
Miss Atola Subong Secretary
Mrs. Jessie Srinivasa Rao Treasurer
Executive Committee Members:
Mrs. Lalduhawmi Sailo  
Mrs Sanjubala Das  
Mrs P.V Krupavathi Moses  
Mrs Mercy Mayuri Moses  
Mrs Selitha N Sangma  
Mrs Jayamani Jones  
Mrs Rosemary Bhuiah  
Dr Miss Kapfo  
In view of hosting the ABWU Assembly and Golden Jubilee Celebration the following were included in the Executive Committee:
Rev. Dr. Syamala Sukumar  
 Miss Arenla Longchar  
Miss L.K. Man  
Mrs Jayanthi Naik  
Mrs. Annie Thorongpi  
Mrs Zanguri Fanai  

On 30th April, 2005, the Committee unanimously resolved to change the name India Baptist Women’s Fellowship to India Baptist Women’s Union.

ABWU Assembly

The historic Asia Baptist Women’s Union Assembly and Golden Jubilee Celebration was hosted by IBWU on 7th to 9th January, 2009 in Science City, Kolkata, in its birth place. Ms Mercy Jayaraja Rao who was there in the first ABWU gathering in 1958 brought the World of God. Around 1500 women from 17 countries attended the three Days event.

Mrs Viveka Blessington President
Mrs. Lalduhawmi Sailo Vice President
Mrs. Jyothi Daniel K Secretary
Mrs. Zanguri Fanai Treasurer
Executive Committee Members:
Mrs. Elvinah Baruah           
Miss Liankhoman  
Mrs. Selitha Sangma  
Rev. Mrs. Syamala Sukumar  
Mrs. Rosemary Bhuiah  
Mrs. P.V. Krupavati Moses  
Mrs. Sujatha Milan  
Mrs. Lepmonie Sangma Ex. Officio Member (immediate past President)


General Assembly – 12

It was held from 4th to 6th December, 2014 at Ashirvad Global Learning Centre, Hyderabad with the theme, “An Instrument for Noble Purposes” 2 Timothy 2:21. The ABWU Officers – Precy Caronongan, President and Lalduhawmi Sailo, Secretary attended the Assembly.

The elected Office Bearers were:

Rev. Narola President
Mrs Jayamani John Vice President
Mrs. Jaksil Sangma Secretary
Mrs. Mercy Mayuri Moses Treasurer
Executive Committee Members:
Mrs. Lalduhawmi Sailo  
Mrs. Zanguri Fanai  
Mrs. Elvinah Baruah  
Miss Liankhoman  
Miss Tinneihling Kipgen  
Mrs. Jyothi Daniel K  
Mrs. Viveka Blessington  Ex. Officio Member (immediate past President)


General Assembly – 13

It was held from 27th to 29th November, 2019 at Guwahati Baptist Church, Pan Bazaar, Guwahati with the theme, “Be Transformed” Romans 12:2. The ABWU Officers Dr. Vernette Myinh Myinh San, President and Tuanta Suterawng, Secretary attended the Assembly.

The elected Leaders Were:

Mrs. Mercy Mayuri Moses President
Mrs. Jyothi Daniel K Vice President
Mrs. Lalduhawmi Sailo Secretary
Miss Tinneihling Kipgen Treasurer
Executive committee Members:
Mrs. Bonjera A Sangma  
Mrs. Sampurna Pulla  
Dr. Zoramthangi  
Mrs. Lalduhawmi  
Mrs. S. Vedavani Prasad  
Mrs. Swarna Joseph Palle   
Mrs. Ruth Anand   
Mrs. Rebecca Chapar   
Rev. Dr. Syamala Sukumar  
Rev. Narola Ex. Officio Member    (immediate past President)


IBWU members have held responsible position in Baptist World Alliance Women’s Department and Asia Baptist Women’s Union (ABWU):

Miss Mercy Jaya Raja Rao President BWA WD (1995-2000)
Mrs. Primrose Vasa Secretary ABWU (1978-1983)
Mrs. Lepmonie Sangma  Secretary ABWU (1993 -1998)
Miss Atola Subong Vice President  ABWU (2003-2008)
Mrs. Lalduhawmi Sailo Secretary ABWU (2013-2018)